If you were asked by your former school to share your life experience by delivering the commencement speech at this year’s graduation ceremony. Would you have something to share?
Well, back in the day (1999), Mary Schmich decided to imagine she was asked to do so and the results ended up on the top of the music charts in the UK.
Back in 1999, Baz Luhrmann’s single – “Everybody’s free to wear sunscreen” hit the screens of the world through MTV. After a huge confusion regarding the origin of the lyrics, it was revealed that the text was written by journalist Mary Schimch for her column at the Chicago Tribune in June 1997. She was inspired by the idea of, what would she share if she was asked to deliver a commencement speech.
We all have a story to tell. We all have something to share, something life advice that we had to learn the hard way. Thinking about this can be quite frustrating at first. You may feel as if you have nothing to say and close yourself up. Maybe you feel that you don’t have the public speaking skills or exciting life that somebody needs to have in order to share something valuable.
The reason why I chose to bring this video back from the past is that of its uplifting and motivating message. Simple, clear advice for life. We sometimes get a bit too carried away by our hectic lives, let’s try to get back on track by making the most out of our time. We might as well do so since it will pass by anyway.
If there is somebody you know who should check this video, make sure to share it with them.
Now I ask you, would you have something to share with your 10 years younger self? I would love to hear about it, so please go ahead and answer the question in the comment section below.
Check out Mary Schmich original post, click here